Tuesday, November 20, 2007

'Start Here'

Every blog starts with a first entry, no matter how mundane.

So let me try to expand on the mission statement of this experiment in bamboo journal-ism.

It exists as a place to point views and exchange ideas about shakuhachi in the context of a phenomenon I could call the Great Western Shakuhachi Transmission — the transcultural sharing of an enormous fund of knowledge about the music and technique of a profound musical instrument. Not unlike the transmission of buddhism in the western hemishere.

The best reason for this blog to exist is to create dialog without any strings attached. It is independent of any schools, teachers, makers or dealers.

My opinions are my own. If you want to dialog with me here - however dissenting or fierce - you may do so under your real name or a screen name. Only my back-end needs to flap in the breeze.

You will need a valid email address, however, so I may contact you through back channels if necessary. I need to know, if nothing else, that I am communicating with real people.

Writing a comment will not guarantee that comment's publication. Although I love my opinions and views to be challenged right to the hilt those challenges have to be publishable; not abusive, not obscene. Humor is appreciated. But ultimately respect for the shakuhachi tradition - in all of its magnificent forms - is king.

Lates. --cm

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